KW Pre-Competitive Swim Team - FALL Registration Opens August 19, 2024

Heidi Stanczak

Registration for the KW Pre-Competitive Swim Team, FALL Session Opens August 19, 2024

The KW Pre-Competitive Swim Team is for swimmers who have demonstrated the necessary skills to move beyond beginner swim lessons. These swimmers are ready to prepare to join the KW Swim Team.

We offer three sessions per year for Pre-Competitive registration: Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Session Dates: Sep. 16, 2024 - Nov. 6, 2024 (8 weeks)

Days/Times: Monday and Wednesday evenings (exact time TBD)

Location: Shady Side Academy pool

New to KW? Plan on attending New Swimmer Tryouts on either Aug. 27 (5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) or Aug. 29 (5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) at the Fox Chapel High School pool. (The location is subject to change if the high school pool is still undergoing renovations.)


(starting on August 19, 2024)


Common Registration Questions

For which skill group should I register my child(ren)?
The coaches will email those swimmers who will change groups starting this fall. All other families should register for the same group that their child(ren) finished at the end of their last season of participation. If you feel that your child(ren) should be reevaluated for placement, please come to one of our tryout dates before registering. (See more information below.)

What if I want to register a child who is NEW to the KW Swim Team?
If your child is a new swimmer or has not been on the KW Swim Team for more than one year, you must attend one of our swimmer tryout dates before registering. Learn how to attend New Swimmer Tryouts.

How much does it cost to register?
You can view the exact registration fees during the registration process. Fees are different for each skill group level.

When and where are practices?
During the Fall / Winter, practices are held during the late afternoon and evening hours. View a Sample Practice Schedule. Most practices take place at the Fox Chapel High School Swimming Pool. Some groups may also swim at Shady Side Academy Senior School.

More questions? Learn more about the KW Swim Team  |  Contact us